Discrete components and similar basic board-level devices are in a state of disruptive growth, fomented by both material and topology advances. Knowing your tech is critical in solution selection.
No matter how sophisticated the software and how fast and powerful the logic, without the rest of the components, wiring, and packaging, nothing would work.
Considering the expansive range of MMIC amplifiers now available on the market with integrated matching and bias circuitry, it can be easy to overlook the flexibility and economy...
Discrete GaN transistors, whether in die or packaged forms, offer high power density to boost pulsed signals in C-, L-, and S-band radars and communications applications.
The market shift toward GaN transistors in 2021 isn’t just theoretical or inspirational—it’s happening now, with major companies designing and shipping products with GaN today...
Ampleon’s 250-W LDMOS RF power transistor for 2.4 to 2.5 GHz targets magnetrons in microwave ovens as well as industrial, scientific, and medical (ISM) applications.