Martino Turcato

Product Manager, IoT Software and Services, Telit

Martino Turcato is Product Manager at Telit, heading up management for the company's software and integrated services offering. Martino has also represented the company in several security, software, and platform technology forums, industry associations, and events, including GSMA and OMA SpecWorks, where he recently co-authored and published the Lightweight M2M's (LwM2M) “Ready for 5G” paper.

With over 15 years of experience in the telecommunications and wireless industry, Turcato has held various positions in software development, program management, and product marketing. He’s currently focusing on Telit's and the industry's direction for embedded software, value-added services for IoT modules, and edge technologies. He holds a Master’s in computer science engineering from the University of Padua, Italy.