Spacek Labs, Incorporated, is a small, woman-owned business which designs and manufactures millimeter-wave and microwave components and sub-systems operating from 10 to 110 GHz. Since 1982, Spacek Labs has been providing products to Government, universities, research institutions and private industry. Located in Santa Barbara, California, Spacek Labs occupies two adjacent industrial buildings with 10,000 square feet. With the exception of shock and vibration testing equipment, we own all the necessary manufacturing and test equipment needed to fulfill our contracts. Our facilities include our amplifier design, development and assembly laboratory, 30 separate assembly/test benches ranging from 2 to 110 GHz with additional equipment and benches for project specific work stations as required. Our testing facilities include vector network analyzers with the ability to directly test up to 65 GHz and a 60 sq. ft. screen room (Faraday cage) for low-noise testing. We have the environmental equipment to temperature test our devices from -55°C to +165°C as well as in-house cryogenic test facilities capable of temperatures as low as 15 Kelvin. Our digital capabilities include 2D and 3D CAD, EM simulation and the ability to handle any file format for project management needs.