Companies Join Forces to Develop Small-Cell Base Stations

Aug. 1, 2013
The increased usage of small-cell base stations that cater to 3G, 4G, and WiFi network demands promises to alleviate connectivity issues.

Small cells are now widely recognized for their ability to increase network capacity, resulting in much development in this area. Through a strategic R&D program and collaboration, for example, Alcatel-Lucent and Qualcomm Technologies have announced a plan to develop a series of small-cell base stations. Through ultra-broadband access, their goal is to enhance 3G, 4G, and WiFi networks and connectivity in residential and business market areas.

The two companies will develop the next generation of Alcatel-Lucent lightRadio Small Cell products featuring Qualcomm Technologies' FSM9900 family of Small Cell chipsets. They plan to jointly invest in this strategic R&D program. This announcement follows on Alcatel-Lucent’s recent announcement of its “Shift Plan,” by which the firm will focus on growth technologies and seek collaboration with key industry players.

With mobile data traffic expected to grow a thousand times over, the increased capability of small cells will become critical to ensuring adequate capacity. A small-cell network in Northern Virginia has already begun to prove its worth as a viable networking solution.

About the Author

Iliza Sokol | Associate Digital Editor

Iliza joined the Penton Media group in 2013 after graduating from the Fashion Institute of Technology with a BS in Advertising and Marketing Communications. Prior to joining the staff, she worked at NYLON Magazine and a ghostwriting firm based in New York.

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