Innovators in Microwaves & RF - Women in Science & Engineering: Christina Gessner, EVP Test & Measurement, Rohde & Schwarz
On October 1, 2023, Christina Gessner took over as Executive Vice President of the Test & Measurement Division at Rohde & Schwarz and is now a member of the company’s Corporate Management. With Christina Gessner’s appointment, Rohde & Schwarz again recruited a longstanding and experienced manager from within.
Christina Gessner joined Rohde & Schwarz as a technology manager in 2004. In 2011, she became Head of Product Management for Spectrum and Network Analyzers. In the following years, she held several leadership roles before being appointed Vice President of Spectrum & Network Analyzers, EMC and Antenna Test Equipment in 2018.
Throughout her career at Rohde & Schwarz, Christina Gessner successfully contributed to establishing the company’s market-leading position in spectrum analysis. Her efforts included pushing the development of the first 5G measurement applications, where the company cooperated with key customers in the early phase of development and standardization.
This trailblazing work continued under her leadership, branching out into early 6G research activities across Europe, Asia, and the U.S., where Rohde & Schwarz is now actively involved. For example, as a result of this research, the first off-the-shelf test equipment is already available from her product division, which supports early 6G research in the sub-THz range.
Christina Gessner started her career at Siemens mobile communications, representing the company as a delegate to the 3GPP standardization process for UMTS and GSM/EDGE from 1998 to 2004. Christina holds a degree in RF engineering from the University of Hannover, Germany. She is author of the book Long Term Evolution: A concise introduction to LTE and its measurement requirements and holds numerous patents in the area of mobile communications.
Her predecessor as Executive Vice President T&M, Andreas Pauly, who is now Chief Technology Officer (CTO), has full confidence in his successor: “Christina Gessner has an entrepreneurial mindset, drives innovation, and focuses on customer needs. She has demonstrated this in several management functions and especially in her role as Vice President. That is exactly what is needed to take the Test & Measurement Division to the next level.”
Christina Gessner welcomes the challenge: "I'm delighted with the trust shown to me. The Test & Measurement Division, with its highly qualified employees, has played an essential role in the company's success for years. In my new role, I will continue on this path and ensure that our customers can still rely on T&M solutions from Rohde & Schwarz in the future."