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Wearable Batteries Take to the Field (.PDF Download)

May 10, 2017
Wearable Batteries Take to the Field (.PDF Download)

Tactical communications can make the difference between a successful mission and empty time spent in the field. The radio technology certainly supports in-field tactical communications, with manpack radios that are almost as rugged as weapons. But for extended missions, powering these radios can be a challenge.

For that reason, Inventus Power developed the CWB 150 FlexPack, a wearable battery pack that was designed to be carried into the field. It provides a large degree of flexure in both its horizontal and vertical axes. The conformal wearable battery (CWB) is completely safe for the battlefield. It can even be worn under water without fear of discharge or damage to the wearer.

For the infantry, bringing enough power to energize the modern military electronics pack can be a daunting task—one even more challenging than the mission at hand. In most cases, it can be likened to strapping a car battery on the back and heading out with a pack full of equipment. The CWB 150 FlexPack brings the equivalent or more energy than a car battery, in a flexible pack weighing only 2.6 lb. (1179 g). It has a nominal voltage of 14.8 V, with a full voltage range of 10.0 to 16.6 V dc.