About MikroElektronika (MIKROE)
More Info on MikroElektronika (MIKROE)
Mikroe is a company, founded in 2001, that produces entire development toolchains for all major microcontroller architectures. Time-saving embedded tools is what we create on a daily basis.Through our commitment to excellent, reliable and fully equipped hardware and software products, we aim to help fellow engineers get the job done quickly.
We continue honoring the challenge we gave to ourselves – one product per day! By following this daily task we have managed to develop more than 1700 products, and counting. Our most famous product line are the revolutionary add-on boards named Click boards™, and we have created over 900 of them. Log on to Mikroe’s website, every working day at 10 AM CET and find out what’s the newest product that we have released.
Whether you are an experienced engineer, student, beginner or enthusiast, you can find all the necessary tools for your project to stand out. Getting the results faster but with uncompromising quality is our number one priority. Join us on our path to embedded excellence. The journey is challenging yet extremely fun, and the destination is closer than you might think.