Many RF manufacturers are turning to galliumnitride (GaN) for its promise of higher power. GaN high-electron-mobility-transistor (HEMT) amplifiers, for example, may be capable of attaining significantly higher gain and output power than GaAs FETs at comparable frequency. The TGI8596-50 is an internally matched, GaN HEMT power amplifier. It operates in the 8.5-to-9.6-GHz range with output power of 50 W. Typically, this X-band device features a 3-dB compression point of +47.5 dBm, linear gain of 9.0 dB, and drain current of 4.5 A. Targeted applications for this device include radar systems and medical applications, such as oncology. As a follow-on to this device, C- and Ku-band GaN HEMTs are being developed for satellitecommunications applications. Samples of the TGI8596-50 are available now.
Toshiba America Electronic Components, Inc., 19900 Macarthur Blvd., Suite 400, Irvine, CA 92612; (949) 623-2900, Internet: