Model ADL5324 is a broadband driver amplifier from Analog Devices capable of operation from 400 to 4000 MHz. It provides +29.1 dBm output power at 1-dB compression at 2140 MHz, with gain of 14.6 dB at that frequency and noise figure of 3.8 dB. The amplifier, which features dynamically adjustable bias from +3.3 to +5.0 VDC, controls current consumption from 62 to 133 mA at +5 VDC. It can deliver output third-order intercept point of +43.1 dBm at 2140 MHz and can handle a wide range of operating temperatures. Ideal for use in wireless intrastructure equipment and test instruments, it has an electrostatic-discharge (ESD) rating of 3 kV (Class 2 testing). The rugged amplifier is supplied in an SOT-89 package. P&A: $3.35 (1000 qty.).
Analog Devices
3 Technology Way
Norwood, MA 02062
(781) 329-4700