Model AM10000DC881 is a broadband coaxial directional coupler that operates from 2 to 18 GHz, making it a suitable candidate for applications in electronic-warfare (EW) and test-and-measurement systems. It provides 30-dB coupling over the frequency range, with coupling flatness held to ±1.4 dB. The insertion loss is less than 0.5 dB while directivity is at least 12 dB across the full frequency range. The coupler, with amplitude sensitivity of ±1 dB, can handle 400 W average power and 3 kW peak power. It exhibits mainline VSWR of 1.40:1 with branch line VSWR of 1.60:1. The coupler is supplied with TMC male connector on the mainline input port, TMC female connector on the mainline output port, and SMA female connector on the coupled output port.
Anatech Electronics, Inc., 70 Outwater Lane, P.O. Box 2217, Garfield, NJ 07026; (973) 772-4242.