Known as a high-quality supplier of passive microwave components, Anatech Electronics will unveil their new AM1440PD881 power divider at 2013 IMS booth No. 2710. Designed for applications from 380 to 2500 MHz, the model power divider suffers only slightly above the theoretical insertion loss of 3 dB for the power division, at 3.01 dB, and exhibits maximum dissipative power loss of 0.2 dB at 2500 MHz. Its third-order intermodulation products are better than -150 dBc. The power divider, which measures 25.4 x 25.4 mm (1 x 1 in.) and weighs 0.39 kg (0.87 lbs), is supplied in an aluminum housing with 7/16 DIN female connectors. It offers maximum power-handling capability of 700 W CW and peak power capability of 3 kW, with return loss of better than 20.8 dB and nominal input VSWR of less than 1.20:1.
Editor's Note: For more show coverage, be sure to visit Microwaves & RF's IMS 2013 page.