A line of unequal power splitters has been developed by MECA Electronics for in-building distributed-antenna-system (DAS) applications from 698 to 2700 MHz. The power splitters are available with split ratios of 2:1, 3:1, 4:1, 6:1, 8:1, and 10:1. They are designed to achieve minimal variations in coupling across the frequency range and are suitable for cellular communications and other wireless applications. The uneven power dividers deliver output flatness of better than ±1 dB for split ratios as high as 8:1 and worst-case output flatness of ±1.2 dB for a split ratio of 10:1. The power splitters feature outstanding passive-intermodulation (PIM) performance with a typical level of -155 dBc, and can handle power levels as high as 300 W across operating temperatures from -55 to +85°C.
MECA Electronics, 459 East Main St., Denville, NJ 07834; (973) 625-0661, (866) 444-6322, e-mail: [email protected], www.e-MECA.com.