Model AS816N335 is a notch filter from Anatech Electronics with high quality factor (Q), designed for GSM cellular communications applications at 800 MHz. It features extremely sharp transitions from the passband to the stopbands, with better than -70 dBc stopband rejection of unwanted signals. The filter is suitable for use in both indoor or outdoor cellular base stations. It has a notch center frequency of 816.5 MHz, notch of 816 to 817 MHz, low-side passband beginning at 809 MHz, and high side passband beginning at 821 MHz. Return loss in the passband is at least 18 dB. The filter, which is supplied with female Type-N connectors, measures 17.2 x 3.1 x 2.2 in.
Anatech Electronics, 70 Outwater Ln., Garfield, NJ 07026; (201) 772-4242, e-mail: [email protected],