The latest addition to the GORE PHASEFLEX line of coaxial microwave cable assemblies is a rugged 18-GHz cable assembly engineered for high-throughput product test applications. The durable cable is available in 1.0- and 1.5-m lengths with both SMA and N-type male connectors. The ergonomic design of this cable assembly eliminates the need to use a torque wrench to connect and disconnect accurately, which increases throughput on the manufacturing line. Because it is small and light in weight, it can be easily connected and disconnected manually. These assemblies withstand 100,000 flexures at a minimum bend radius of 1 in. The cable assembly promises stable performance for precise and repeatable measurements, reducing test errors. The cable assemblies feature crush resistance of 187 pounds per linear inch (85 kg/cm). The typical amplitude stability with flexure is 0.005 dB while typical phase stability with flexure, depending upon the cable type, ranges from 2 to 8 deg. The typical VSWR is 1.19:1 with insertion loss of 2.15 dB or better for a 0.91-m length of cable. Cable assemblies can be provided as phase-matched sets through 67 GHz.
380 Starr Rd.
Landenberg, PA 19350-9221
(800) 311-3060, FAX: (800) 757-4673