With a frequency range of 20 to 1000 MHz, the model IPP-1021 power combiner/divider handles as much as 300 W using female Type N connectors. The device exhibits insertion loss under 0.75 dB and phase balance of better than 5 deg. The power combiner/divider has VSWR of less than 1.25:1. It offers more than 15 dB isolation from 125 to 1000 MHz and more than 12 dB isolation from 20 to 125 MHz. The device operates from -55° to +85C. The unit is housed in a 6061-T651 aluminum alloy enclosure and finished in clear irridite. This four-way combiner/ divider measures 5.10 x 4.10 x 1.54 in. Delivery is from stock to four weeks.
Innovative Power Products, 1170-7 Lincoln Ave., Holbrook, NY 11741; (631) 563-0088, FAX: (631) 563-9898, e-mail: [email protected], Internet: www.innovativepp.com.