Passive intermodulation (PIM) is an unwanted mixing effect that is caused by the nonlinear behavior of passive components when handling multitone signals. The Booton PIM 31 precision analyzer tests the PIM of both RF components and assemblies. The analyzer provides two signals to 25 W each. The analyzer's accuracy and sensitivity of -175 dBc at 2 x +43 dBm allow for applications ranging from the performance evaluation of RF infrastructure to RF component testing. The PIM 31 analyzer is well suited for field applications, research and quality assessment labs, and production. The PIM 31 supporsts the storing of complete graphs for evaluating measured data over time. PIM 31 analyzers are available for many frequency bands. Transmit power levels and frequencies are variable and can be set and stored individually by the user.
Wireless Telecom Group, Inc., 25 Eastmans Rd., Parsippany, NJ 07054; (973) 386-9696, FAX: (973) 386-9191, Internet: