Connector Provides EMI Filtering With Hot-Shoe-Style Mating

Aug. 5, 2010
An electromagnetic-interference (EMI)-filtered connector, dubbed the Rapid Mate, is designed for easy mating to spring-loaded, compliant contacts. Essentially, this connector combines the ease and reliability of hot-shoe-style mating with the ...

An electromagnetic-interference (EMI)-filtered connector, dubbed the Rapid Mate, is designed for easy mating to spring-loaded, compliant contacts. Essentially, this connector combines the ease and reliability of hot-shoe-style mating with the benefit of high-performance EMI filtering. The hot-shoe-style joining method enables a rapid connection with low mating force, allowing for some misalignment during mating. As a result, these connectors provide a positive mating force to ensure a reliable connection. The Rapid Mate connectors suit applications like military and commercial communications systems. They are ruggedized for reliable performance and resist sand, dust, and water. Customfiltered Rapid Mate connectors can be built to specific requirements. Feed-through capacitors or Pi filters with selective loading and custom values are available as well.

Spectrum Advanced Specialty Products, 8061 Avonia Rd., Fairview, PA 16415; (814) 474-1571, FAX: (814) 474-3110, Internet:

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