A series of high-power directional couplers is optimized for two-octave bandwidths and is available with a choice of coupling values. These units are suitable for sampling forward and reflected power with a negligible effect on the transmission line and very-low-intermodulation products. They handle 500 W average power and 10-kW peak power (except for model CHP-6018, a 6-to-18-GHz unit that handles 250 W average power). Accuracy, including frequency variation, is 1.0 dB. The units provide nominal coupling of 30, 40, or 50 dB.
Model CHP-1040, for example, operates from 1 to 4 GHz with minimum directivity of 23 dB and primary VSWR of 1.20:1 maximum. The coupler offers secondary VSWR to 1.30:1 while exhibiting insertion loss to 0.15 dB. In contrast, Model CHP-2080 spans 2 to 8 GHz with minimum directivity of 21 dB and primary VSWR of 1.25:1 maximum. This unit provides secondary VSWR to 1.30:1 while exhibiting insertion loss to 0.20 dB. Model CHP-3012 operates from 3 to 12 GHz with minimum directivity of 18 dB and primary VSWR to 1.30:1. It offers secondary VSWR to 1.30:1. The unit exhibits insertion loss to 0.25 dB. Finally, model CHP-6018 covers 6 to 18 GHz with minimum directivity of 14 dB and primary VSWR to 1.50:1. It provides secondary VSWR to 1.50:1 while exhibiting insertion loss to 0.35 dB. The connectors on the main line are Type N (male or female). On the secondary line, they are SMA female. Special models with closer tolerances, different frequency ranges, special connectors, different materials, and various finishes can be furnished upon request.
RLC Electronics, Inc., 83 Radio Circle, Mount Kisco, NY 10549; (914) 241-1334, FAX: (914) 241-1753, Internet: www.rlcelectronics.com.