Lowpass Filters Span DC To 500 MHz

Aug. 5, 2010
To serve both test equipment and general lab use, the CLPFL series of lowpass filters includes five models covering DC to 100 through 500 MHz. All of the filters in the CLPFL family are rated for +36 dBm (4 W) input power. They operate from −40 ...

To serve both test equipment and general lab use, the CLPFL series of lowpass filters includes five models covering DC to 100 through 500 MHz. All of the filters in the CLPFL family are rated for +36 dBm (4 W) input power. They operate from −40 to +85C with a storage temperature range of −55 to +100C. The filters feature seventh-order Butterworth response and 50-Ω SMA connectors. They come encased in a rugged SMA housing.

Crystek Corp., 12730 Commonwealth Dr., Ft. Myers, FL 33913; (239) 561-3311, FAX: (239) 561-1025, e-mail: [email protected], Internet: www.crystek.com.

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