The D1000 series phase-locked oscillators are based on proprietary digital phase-locked-loop (PLL) circuitry, which eliminates the use of sampling phase detectors to greatly improve performance over analog circuits. By comparison, they provide improved spurious rejection of typically less than -70 dBc, lower microphonics, and phase-lock-integrity over temperature. In addition, their digital architecture supposedly results in higher quality and field reliability. Options for this oscillator series include an internal reference oscillator, special packaging, extended operating-temperature range of -30 to +71C, and increased power output of +13 dBm. The oscillators offer load VSWR into 50 O of 2.0:1. They provide harmonics to -25 dBc. At an offset of 100 kHz, phase noise is less than -115 dBc/Hz. The sources operate with external reference frequencies from 10 to 200 MHz (-5 to +5 dBm). The devices measure 2.25 x 2.25 x 0.75 in. They require a power supply of +10 to 15 VDC at 250 mA maximum.
Syntonic Microwave, Inc., 897 Independence Ave, Suite 4-A, Mountain View, CA 94043; (650) 961-4600, e-mail: [email protected], Internet:
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