Low-PIM Attenuators Span 698 To 2700 MHz

May 18, 2010
A range of medium-power attenuators offers guaranteed low passive intermodulation (PIM) of less than -150 dBm when measured with two 20-W test tones. These products are available in attenuation values from 4.8 to 30.0 dB to meet the wireless ...

A range of medium-power attenuators offers guaranteed low passive intermodulation (PIM) of less than -150 dBm when measured with two 20-W test tones. These products are available in attenuation values from 4.8 to 30.0 dB to meet the wireless market's needs from 698 to 2700 MHz. The AY series is designed for power inputs from 30 to 45 W depending on attenuation value. These attenuators are available with either Type N or 7-16 mm DIN, male-to-female connectors. The units, which have been designed using mechanically stable connections, achieve input VSWR better than 1.20:1 across the frequency band for all values except the 4.8-dB model. It offers VSWR of less than 1.30:1. The units are sealed to meet IP 67 for indoor or outdoor applications. The rugged design is negligibly affected by changes in ambient temperature. Also offered is the AZ series, which comprises low-PIM attenuators with higher power ratings from 100 to 150 W. In addition, a 160-W, 3-dB attenuator is available in the company's CT-84 series. Units with non-standard attenuation values or different connector genders are available for special order.

Wireless Telecom Group, Inc., 25 Eastmans Rd., Parsippany, NJ 07054; (973) 386-9696, FAX: (973) 386-9191, Internet: www.wtcom.com.

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