Our vision: Securing the Connected World
Sequitur Labs delivers security, tooling and process to bring trusted, resilient products to market.
Over 20 billion embedded systems are expected to be connected to the Internet by 2020. From medical devices to self-driving automobiles and industrial robots, these devices will connect people, integrate processes and drive global productivity. These devices will collect and ingest data and feed AI algorithms in order to accelerate and improve decision-making. They are at the heart of a “Smart Future”. McKinsey & Co. measures the economic impact of the connected economy in trillions of dollars over the next decade.
The greatest obstacle to this smart future is—SECURITY. Without the right security framework, each connected device is a target for malicious attacks. The last three years have seen a number of attacks such as Mirai and there will surely be more. Securing connected devices is therefore a prime imperative. So why aren’t companies taking steps to do so? They are. The reality is that securing embedded devices is hard. It’s expensive.
We are working to make it simple, affordable and accessible.
We are your security team.