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Developing Test Solutions for Next-Generation Phased-Array Antennas

Massive MIMO and beamforming, fundamental to 5G throughput and capacity, requires sophisticated phased-array antennas, whose testing can be challenging. A new method promises to streamline and simplify the process.

This webinar was originally held on May 2nd, 2024, and is now available for on demand viewing.


Duration: 1 hour

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Advanced communication protocols like 5G New Radio use a number of advanced techniques including mmWave frequencies between 30 and 300 GHz, advanced signal-coding techniques (OFDM), multi-access edge computing, and network slicing.

In addition to these advances, Massive MIMO (multiple input multiple output) and beamforming are infrastructure elements that help enable 5G’s enhanced throughput and capacity.

Testing such antenna arrays is a daunting challenge, requiring a lot of time and effort as well as an anechoic chamber to hold the device under test.

In today’s Webinar we talk to team of engineers from NI’s Dresden facility, who are working on a fast, efficient, and chamber-free test methodology that promises to bring phased-array development engineering to the benchtop.


Thomas Deckert 
Principal Software Engineer, NI Dresden 

Gerardo Orozco Valdes 
Chief RF Systems R&D Engineer, NI USA 

Vincent Kotzsch 
Chief Engineer, NI Dresden 

René Nuessgen 
Senior Director R&D RF, NI Dresden

Alix Paultre 
Editor at Large 
Endeavor Business Media