The LXI Consortium's most recent PlugFest (July 25-27, Cleveland, OH) featured more than 50 attendees and included real-world testing of products meeting Class A and Class B LXI requirements. Products for Class A include time synchronization via the IEEE 1588 precision time protocol as well as a hardware trigger bus. Sponsored by LXI member Keithley Instruments, all of the tested products are expected to receive certification shortly, bringing the total number of LXI-certified products to more than 150. The testing process also included interface bridges that enable integrators to create "hybrid" systems that utilize non-LXI equipment alongside LXI-compliant devices. This capability will help system creators leverage their existing investments - and expertise - in other architectures such as GPIB, VXI, and PXI. The next PlugFest, to be hosted by LXI member The MathWorks, is scheduled for October 17-19, 2006, in Boston, MA. For more information about the LXI Consortium or Keithley Instruments, visit their respective websites with the links below:
Keithley Instruments --->
LXI Consortium --->
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