Students at the University of South Florida can now computer-simulate their high-frequency designs with the GENESYS Design Suite of modeling programs from Eagleware Corp. The high-frequency software supplier donated multiple copies of the software suite, with a market value totaling about $500,000, to the University's Center for Wireless and Microwave Information Systems (known as 'The WAMI Center'). The software will be used as part of the WAMI curriculum, including the course "Wireless and Microwave Circuits and System Design," which is required for all electrical engineering students. The donation was made possible by the work of the Director of The WAMI Center Director, Professor Larry Dunleavy, and Eagleware President Todd Cutler, who has been an industrial affiliate of The WAMI Center for many years. According to Cutler, "The WAMI Center has an excellent reputation for exposing students to state-of-the-art instrumentation and software as part of a high quality education experience. Accordingly, we were very pleased to see the Eagleware GENESYS suite added to The WAMI Center's tool set." And Dunleavy notes that the powerful software will not sit idle: "It has some nice circuit synthesis tools we plan to make use of for student circuit design projects." The University of South Florida (Tampa, FL) was founded in 1956, with The WAMI Center established in 1996 as part of a growing need for wireless/RF education.
University of South Florida ==>
Eagleware ==>