Noise Com recently ntroduced the DSG9000 series of digital signal generators, a product line certified by iBiquity Digital Corporation (the sole developer and licenser of digital HD Radio technology) to provide test signals for HD Radio (TM) in both AM and FM bands. The digital signal generators are designed to play back vector files or waveforms from an internal hard disk; these waveforms replicate the HD Radio service modes and channel configurations. According to Jeff Jury, the Chief Operating Officer (COO) of iBiquity Digital, "For the rapidly growing number of companies involved in designing and manufacturing HD Radio receivers, the Noise Com DSG9000 series of signal generators will provide a valuable tool for developing and ensuring the quality of their products." The instrument includes a front-panel-accessible DVD drive for importing and adding to the internal library of test vectors and waveform files. For more information on the DSG9000, visit the Noise Com web site at: