Modelithics, Mini-Circuits Offer Free Amp Models

June 5, 2013
These free amplifier models provide ADS users with insight into the nonlinear behavior of three commercial broadband amplifiers.

Accurate amplifier models can help simulate the linear and nonlinear characteristics of a high-frequency amplifier when performing circuit simulations on a commercial simulation software program. To help RF/microwave circuit and system developers, model developer Modelithics and amplifier designer Mini-Circuits have teamed on free Modelithics X-Parameter models of a number of popular surface-mount amplifiers for use in the Advanced Design System (ADS) simulation software from Agilent Technologies. The models apply to Mini-Circuits’ models PHA-1+, GVA-62+, and GVA-63+ amplifier products. 

Modelithics developed these models based on careful measurements made using a PNA-X series nonlinear microwave vector network analyzer (VNA) from Agilent Technologies. These new high-frequency behavioral models provide for the first-time for such a set of products, both linear and non-linear simulation capabilities including prediction of harmonics, nonlinear distortion, compression and impedance-dependent nonlinear behavior. According to Harvey Kaylie, President of Mini-Circuits: “With these new X-parameters-based nonlinear models of our amplifiers, RF and microwave system designers can for the first time accurately validate the complete nonlinear performance of their designs through simulation, saving costly bench time. We are pleased to sponsor these models for free use by all interested designers world-wide.”  The models are valid for use through 18 GHz.

About the Author

Jack Browne | Technical Contributor

Jack Browne, Technical Contributor, has worked in technical publishing for over 30 years. He managed the content and production of three technical journals while at the American Institute of Physics, including Medical Physics and the Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology. He has been a Publisher and Editor for Penton Media, started the firm’s Wireless Symposium & Exhibition trade show in 1993, and currently serves as Technical Contributor for that company's Microwaves & RF magazine. Browne, who holds a BS in Mathematics from City College of New York and BA degrees in English and Philosophy from Fordham University, is a member of the IEEE.

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