To illustrate this principle, suppose that the same set of goals were used to optimize the amplifier shown in Fig. 3. Its single-stage performance after optimization is also shown in Fig. 3. This circuit offers nearly the same gain flatness over the 50-to-1050-MHz bandwidth and also is unconditionally stable from DC to 6000 MHz. However, the input and output mismatches, S11 and S22, of this circuit are greater than those of the feedback-optimized circuit of Fig. 1. Consequently, when two of them are cascaded, as shown in Fig. 4, a larger variation of gain, almost ±3 dB over the 50-to-1050-MHz band, occurs due to the reflection interaction between them. This interaction is termed mismatch error.1
Designing broadband amplifiers and cascaded amplifier stages does require guesswork, euphemistically called optimization when performed with a computer. Certain strategies are useful in this pursuit. First, since transistor gain diminishes as frequency increases, circuitry that favors the passage of higher frequencies (series capacitors and shunt inductors) is more conducive to uniform gain. However, circuits which flatten gain by means of feedback may do so while providing lower S11 and S22 values, minimizing the mismatch error when the circuits are cascaded or used with other reflective components, such as reactive filters. Accordingly, when optimizing, S11 and S22 should be made part of the goals. At frequencies for which either S11 or S22 has a small value, two such circuits cascaded will have a low mismatch error at those frequencies.
In summary, for most amplifier designs the choices amount to what input and output impedance environments will be presented to the transistor over all of the frequency range for which it has gain. One must balance the need for gain against the requirements for unconditional stability, which is very important. An amplifier that breaks into oscillation is not just useless, it is a liability.
Often, design choices lead to amplifier networks that do not present a good match to either the input or output transmission lines. If the remainder of the system also has high mismatches as would be true, for example, if reactive filters are connected to the amplifier, the system performance will not be predictable unless those networks are modeled in conjunction with the amplifier.
Many points have been covered in this eight-part series on transistor amplifier design. In the end, engineering discretion is required to balance all of the desired amplifier attributes with the relatively few degrees of design freedom available. This is the artistry of design.
- Joseph F. White; High Frequency Techniques, An Introduction to RF and Microwave Engineering; John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, NJ, 2004.