Picosecond Pulse Labs (PSPL) promises a five-day turnaround on its model 5915 custom lowpass or risetime filters. The filters can be built to a user's specified 3-dB cutoff frequency from 35 MHz to 10 GHz or to any 10-to-90-percent risetim specification between 35 ps and 10 ns. The company is committed to building and shipping these custom filters within five business days of receiving an order. The filters feature a proprietary absorptive design with attenuation and group-delay characteristics that are similar to a fourth-order Bessel filter. The insertion loss is less than 0.02 dB at DC and the return loss is typically better than 15 dB. For more information on the fast-turnaround filters, visit the PSPL site at: http://www.picosecond.com.