Tyco Electronics, M/A-COM has developed a single-pole, double-throw (SPDT) PIN diode switch for applications from 500 MHz to 6 GHz. Ideal for commercial WiMAX base stion and military radio applications, the low-cost switch handles over 8 W input power and provifdes an input third-order intercept point of +65 dBm. Model MASW-000822 suffers just 0.35 dB insertion loss over the operating band, with 27 dB transmit-receive isolation. It achieves excellent linearity with the modulated signals of WiMAX and software-defined radios (SDRs), with error-vector-magnitude performance of 0.8 percent at 3.8 GHz. The switch, which is supplied in a 3-mm PQFN package, can operate from +5, +12, and +28 VDC supplies or +5 and -15 VDC supplies. It is priced at $1.98 in 10,000 quantity. For more information, visit the Tyco Electronics M/A-COM website at: http://www.macom.com/