TO PAVE THE WAY to eco-friendly mobile products, a new miniaturized crystal oscillator (XO) promises to increase battery life. The 2.5-x-2.0-x-0.9-mm NZ2520SF is available with frequencies from 1.5 to 50 MHz with a stability of 50 ppm. It operates on as little as 0.8 V, which is reportedly 50 percent lower than comparable XOs. A 40-percent reduction in current draw allows the NZ2520SF to deliver a 70 percent reduction in power consumption with corresponding extended battery life. In the long term, it can translate into a decrease in battery size as well. The NZ2520SF operates from -40 to +85C. The oscillator comes in RoHS-compliant lead-free packaging, which meets the requirements for re-flow profiling using leadfree solder. P&A: 12 weeks ARO; approximately $0.98 each for 10,000Q.
Nihon Dempa Kogyo Co. Ltd. (NDK), 701 Crystal Parkway, Belvidere, IL 61008; (800) 635-9825, Internet: