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Millimeter-wave links are expanding as a means of making broadband, high-data-rate connections from one point to another, but those links depend on reliable, high-performance components like low-noise amplifiers (LNAs). Fortunately, Sage Millimeter has built a solid reputation for its high-frequency amplifiers, available with both inline and right-angle waveguide input and output connectors.
The latest pair of LNAs from the supplier—models SBL-6039033050-1212-S1 and SBL-7531142240-1010-S1—combine for total frequency coverage from 60 to 110 GHz with generous gain and low noise figures, even at these high frequencies. Both amplifiers are designed for efficient current consumption from bias supplies of +5 to +12 VDC, and both are supplied in compact housings that are sure to fit the tightest applications (Fig. 1).
Generous bandwidth made available at higher frequencies—such as the 60 to 90 GHz of the model SBL-6039033050-1212-S1 amplifier and the 75 to 110 GHz of the model SBL-7531142240-1010-S1 LNA—support effective wireless communications links over short, line-of-sight distances that are nonetheless sufficient to keep information flowing to and from many different systems.
As more electronic systems move towards wireless communications and control, the flexibility and efficiency of millimeter-wave links shows them to be practical, high-data-rate communications solutions capable of enduring even hostile weather and environmental conditions. Both amplifiers are designed for simple installation, with straightforward biasing requirements and standard waveguide input and output connectors.
The lower-frequency amplifier, model SBL-6039033050-1212-S1, covers a frequency range (60 to 90 GHz) that makes it a candidate not only for communications receivers and links, but also for radar systems and test equipment. It provides the relatively flat gain expected from an amplifier for test applications, with gain flatness of ±4 dB across the full 30-GHz band, from a minimum level of 26.2 dB to a maximum of 34.1 dB gain (typical gain of 30.0 dB) from 60 to 90 GHz (Fig. 2).
It is truly an LNA, designed for front-end applications, with typical saturated output power of -4 dBm but compensating for that low output power with very low typical noise figure for these high frequencies, at 5 dB.
The model SBL-6039033050-1212-S1 LNA operates on a single positive bias supply of 30 mA at +5 to +12 VDC. It includes WR-12 waveguide with UG-387/U flange for the input and output signal ports and a solder pin for the bias connection.
For those seeking higher-frequency coverage, the model SBL-7531142240-1010-S1 LNA operates across full W-band frequencies, with impressive gain flatness of typically ±2 dB across the full band from 75 to 110 GHz (Fig. 3). The amplifier offers minimum gain of 20.6 dB, maximum gain of 23.5 dB, and typical gain of 22 dB across W-band frequencies.
The typical noise figure is 4 dB from 75 to 110 GHz, while the saturated output power reaches typically +2 dBm. This LNA, which is outfitted with WR-10 waveguide with UG-387/U-M flange for the input and output ports, like its lower-frequency counterpart measures 1.70 × 1.10 × 0.50 in. It runs on a bias supply of 30 mA at +5 to +12 VDC.
Both amplifiers are constructed with right-angle input and output waveguide connectors in standard units, although other mechanical versions of the amplifiers (including inline connector configurations) are available as needed. In addition, the company offers SWC series waveguide-to-coaxial adapters for use with 1.85- or 1.00-mm coaxial connectors.
Sage Millimeter, Inc., 3043 Kashikawa St., Torrance, CA 90505; (424) 757-0168, FAX: (424) 757-0188
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