Two new patent-protected lowpass filter models from Mini-Circuits (LFCN-113+ and LFCN-123+) offer wide passbands of DC to 11 GHz and DC to 12 GHz, respectively, with low insertion loss and robust power-handling capability. The two compact filters are based on low-temperature-cofired-ceramic (LTCC) technology and are ideal for rejecting unwanted harmonic signals in communications systems. Model LFCN-113+ can handle input power levels to 8 W and features less than 2-dB insertion loss from 9.7 to 15.0 GHz. The typical VSWR is 1.60:1 from DC to 11 GHz. The filter delivers at least 20-dB rejection starting at 14 GHz through about 20 GHz. Model LFCN-123+ extends the passband from DC to 12 GHz with similar in-band power-handling capability and low in-band insertion loss. The miniature filters, which are rated for breakdown voltage of 1 kV, are supplied in a hermetic housing measuring just 3.2 x 1.6 mm. They are suitable for use at operating temperatures from -55 to +100°C. In addition, they include small wrap-around terminations to minimize variations due to parasitic electric elements.
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