Millimeter-wave frequencies offer generous bandwidth-not available at lower frequencies-for high-data-rate, short-range, and line-of-sight radio applications. To support millimeter-wave links and test equipment at those higher frequencies, SAGE Millimeter, Inc. has developed its model SOM-10401317-08-S1 free-running F-band Gunn oscillator for use from 90 to 140 GHz. The mechanically tuned signal source is available with a tuning range of ±0.5 GHz and delivers +17 dBm output power across the tuning range. The oscillator is based on a reliable GaAs Gunn diode. It achieves mechanical tuning by means of a self-locking tuning screw or micrometer. The oscillator, which requires a bias supply of typically 750 mA at +4.5 VDC, is also tunable via an applied bias; this supports frequency modulation on a carrier. For increased frequency stability, the Gunn oscillator can be supplied with an optional heater, which requires heating power to 5 W at a single bias supply of +10 VDC. Gunn-diode-based oscillators are also available for use at Ka, Q, U, V, E, and W frequency bands.
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