============================== Microwaves & RF UPDATE MWRF - www.mwrf.com July 6, 2006 ============================== Greetings and welcome to your personal copy of PlanetEE's Microwaves and RF UPDATE e-newsletter. Please see below for address-change or subscribe/unsubscribe instructions. Today's Table of Contents: 1. There's Always Room For One More 2. Precision Wave Builds Cellular Signal Generator 3. Keragis Offers Solid-State TWTA Replacement 4. NoiseWave Launches Instrument Noise Generator 5. HFET Hits 0.3-dB NF At 12 GHz 6. BAW Duplexers Filter Cellular Phones 7. VCom Adds Broadband Wireless Technologies 8. Happenings - Conferences ************************ ADVERTISEMENT **************************** Programmable Power for RF Amplifiers from Lambda Genesys(TM) AC/DC 1U and 2U rack-mount power supplies give flexible, reliable power in space-saving 1U and 2U packages. These supplies offer outputs to 600 VDC and 400 A. Worldwide inputs, Active PFC, and RS-232/485 interfaces are standard. Full set of user-friendly control features. New option IEMD controls up to 31 slaves over RS-485 instead of GPIB Card in each supply. New Advanced Parallel function allows up to four to act as one for power up to 13.2 kW. For more information, go to: http://news.mwrf.com/t?ctl=30AC2:49027F ******************************************************************* *************** 1. Viewpoint *************** There's Always Room For One More The microwave industry can safely be called a "mature" industry, with many businesses exceeding 50-year lifetimes. This magazine itself will be celebrating its 45th year of operation. In all that time, one might think that the number of competitors in a given part of the microwave marketplace would diminish or at least remain stable. But in this newsletter, for example, several new companies (Keragis Corp. and PrecisionWave Corp.) have announced offerings in their respective parts of the industry, broadband amplifiers and test equipment. This industry has grown and matured because of this entrepreneurial spirit and the willingness of clever engineers with good ideas to take a chance on a new business. Sometimes they have invested with their own funds, sometimes with help from a bank or investors, but the risk of starting a company is always great. And the industry has always shown that it can support good products and good ideas, no matter how many suppliers were competing previously in that space. For a good microwave engineer, there's always room for one more company. JACK BROWNE Technical Director ************* 2. News ************* Precision Wave Builds Cellular Signal Generator PrecisionWave Corp. entered the RF test market with their model p1211B RF signal generator for cellular testing. With 1-Hz frequency resolution from 800 to 1000 MHz and 1700 to 2200 MHz, the generator can settle within 100 Hz of a new frequency in 1 ms when operating in command list mode. The generator provides output levels from -100 to +20 dBm with 0.1-dB resolution. The accurate, low-noise source (phase noise of just -115 dBc/Hz offset 100 kHz from the carrier) provides high modulation accuracy for a variety of cellular standards, including GSM, EDGE, MACS, PHS, and WCDMA. PrecisionWave Corp. ---> http://news.mwrf.com/t?ctl=30AC7:49027F ********* 3. News ********* Keragis Offers Solid-State TWTA Replacement Keragis Corporation has designed a patent-pending solid-state, high-power traveling-wave-tube (TWT) replacement module capable of providing 35 W output power from 6 to 18 GHz. Weighing a mere 0.5 lb., the model KHPA-0618-35W amplifier module features 20-dB typical gain while drawing 11 A current from an +8-VDC supply. The design employs numerous monolithic microwave integrated circuits (MMICs) and discrete devices to minimize single-point failures. The reliable, patent-pending design approach eliminates the "zipper effect" by which failures of one device in some amplifiers can cause the failure of all devices. Keragis Corp. ---> http://news.mwrf.com/t?ctl=30AC9:49027F ********* 4. News ********* NoiseWave Launches Instrument Noise Generator Noise specialist NoiseWave has announced the availability of its NW3G-MINoise Instrument with broadband frequency coverage from 10 MHz to 3 GHz. It delivers 0 dBm output power with output flatness of +/- 2.5 dB. It is available in a half-rack enclosure or in a tabletop version and is ideally suited for wireless component and system testing, bit-error-rate (BER) testing, signal simulation, and cable-television (CATV) testing. Other output levels and frequency ranges are also available. NoiseWave ---> http://news.mwrf.com/t?ctl=30AC8:49027F ********** 5. News ********** HFET Hits 0.3-dB NF At 12 GHz California Eastern Laboratories has introduced a heterojunction field-effect transistor (HFET) that helps eliminate noise and improve sensitivity in microwave receivers. Ideal for X-band and Ku-band applications, the model NE3511S02 transistor achieves a noise figure of 0.3 dB at 12 GHz with associated gain of 13.5 dB (running from a 10 mA, 2-V supply). The transistor is housed in a lead-free, plastic surface-mount package measuring just 3.2 x 3.2 mm with recessed leads. California Eastern Laboratories ---> http://news.mwrf.com/t?ctl=30ACD:49027F ************************ ADVERTISEMENT **************************** For The Best In Test Visit Microwaves & RF's RF Test Weblog, sponsored by Keithley Instruments (www.keithley.com), for the latest news on test instruments, test literature, and measurement techniques. You'll find the best in test at http://news.mwrf.com/t?ctl=30ACC:49027F ******************************************************************* ********* 6. News ********* BAW Duplexers Filter Cellular Phones EPCOS has begun volume shipments of its B7633 series bulk-acoustic-wave (BAW) duplexers to a leading domestic US manufacturer of mobile telephones. The BAW duplexers provide the power-handling capabilities of ceramic filters with the small size of surface-acoustic-wave (SAW) filters. They measure 5 x 5 mm with a height of 1.35 mm. Suitable for US PCS and WCDMA band II applications, the duplexers exhibit insertion loss of 3.6 dB in the receive band and 2.7 dB in the transmit band with good receive-transmit band isolation of as high as 57 dB. EPCOS ---> http://news.mwrf.com/t?ctl=30ACA:49027F ********* 7. News ********* VCom Adds Broadband Wireless Technologies Last-mile access technology supplier VCom, Inc. has completed an agreement with Wave Wireless Corp. to acquire a cluster of companies that will provide new broadband wireless technologies, synergistic sales channels, and substantial revenues in product sales. Under the terms of the agreement, VCom has purchased WaveRider Communications (Canada) Inc., WaveRider Communications (USA) Inc., Jetstream Internet Services Inc., and Avendo Wireless Inc. from their parent WaveRider Communications Inc, a subsidiary of Wave Wireless Corp. The shares of all the companies will be purchased for approximately $1 million US dollars, to be paid in cash. As part of the acquisition, VCom has entered into a supply agreement with Wave Wireless pursuant to which VCom will produce under license the 900 MHz product portfolios marketed by Wave Wireless. The companies also intend to sell each other's wireless product portfolios. VCom's best-in-class series of point-to-multipoint products in the 700 MHz, 1.9 GHz, 2.5 GHz, 3.5 GHz and 5.8 GHz bands as well as its burgeoning WiMAX product line will be marketed by Wave Wireless to its established customer base. VCom ---> http://news.mwrf.com/t?ctl=30ACB:49027F ******************************* 8. Happenings - Conferences ******************************* Signal Integrity From The Ground Up August 14-16, 2006 San Jose, CA http://news.mwrf.com/t?ctl=30AC5:49027F International Electron Devices Meeting (IEDM) December 11-13, 2006 Hilton San Francisco and Towers San Francisco, CA http://news.mwrf.com/t?ctl=30AC3:49027F ************************ ADVERTISEMENT **************************** Searching For A Supplier? You'll find the most comprehensive lists of microwave products and suppliers at the online version of Microwaves & RF's Product Data Directory, at http://news.mwrf.com/t?ctl=30ACC:49027F ******************************************************************* MICROWAVES AND RF (MWRF) UPDATE e-NEWSLETTER CONTACTS ==================================================== Technical Director: Jack Browne mailto:[email protected] Managing Editor: John Curley mailto:[email protected] Advertising/Sponsorship Opportunities: Paul Barkman at 1-908-704-2460 or mailto:[email protected] ===================================================== SUBSCRIBER INFO ===================================================== To subscribe to our online newsletters click here: http://news.mwrf.com/t?ctl=30AC6:49027F To unsubscribe from MWRF UPDATE click here: http://news.mwrf.com/u?id=A16E8FA232AD0B5B0499DE3C823A0A0E ==================================== To view Penton Media's privacy policy click here: http://news.mwrf.com/t?ctl=30AC4:49027F ==================================== Copyright 2006 Penton Media Inc. All rights reserved. Microwaves & RF Penton Media Inc. 45 Eisenhower Dr., 5th Floor Paramus, NJ 07652 USA
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