A number of new products from TriQuint Semiconductor for cable systems, microwave radios, and optical networks target more energy-efficient applications. Announced at European Microwave Week, (Rome, Italy, September 28 through October 2). TriQuint RFIC products developed by TriAccess Technologies, the models TAT7464, TAT7466, and TAT7467, and TAT7472 amplifiers specifically meet the requirements of DOCSIS 3.0-based cable TV systems. These greener' products can reduce power consumption by as much as 50 percent and can cut printed-circuit-board (PCB) area by as much as 30 percent.
According to Asif Anwar, Director of GaAs and Compound Semiconductor Technologies Service for Strategy Analytics, "Network operators are seeing substantial increases in radio, optical and cable network traffic because of the growing popularity of home and mobile data applications. Operators are looking for cost-effective ways to expand capacity while lowering operational expenses. Greener, more efficient systems that use less energy for amplification and cooling are especially appealing."