Foundry services and high-frequency device supplier TriQuint Semiconductor was featured on prime time television recently, highlighted on the recent Public Broadcasting Service (PBS) program, "NewsHour With Jim Lehrer." The show, which aired internationally on Jan. 22, 2009, covered how various high-technology companies are responding to the current economic downturn.
For TriQuint's part on the show, the semiconductor supplier hosted PBS correspondent Lee Hochberg during December 2008 to learn more about the company and what it was doing to combat the difficult economy. As with many companies tasting success during these times, TriQuint has diversified into a variety of markets, including consumer and commercial communications, networking, and military electronics in order to balance its business across fluctuating business areas. The "NewsHour" show highlighted the firm's success in the smartphone mobile handset market and featured an interview with TriQuint President and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Ralph Quinsey. An archive of the show is available on the TriQuint web site.