I just wanted to send you a quick note about your article, "Top Products of 2011" (December 2011). First of all, thank you very much for including National Instruments on the list. The NI PXIe-5665 VSA is certainly on our list of accomplishments for 2011, and you can be sure we'll keep working on cutting-edge innovations for those working with RF and microwave applications.
One thing I did notice is that the article says that the frequency range goes to 3.6 GHz. The PXIe-5665 can actually go up to 14 GHz with the version we released at NIWeek 2011. This may just have been an oversight, since I believe the article was based on a write-up in May, but I wanted to be sure that you were aware.
Maegan Quejada
Media Relations
National Instruments