Despite the many advances of Global Positioning System (GPS) technology, it is still difficult to acquire and track signals in weak signal areas. To combat this problem, the CW45A and CW46 GPS sensors flaunt the capability to acquire satellites at signal levels down to –155 dBm with network-assisted ephemeris data. They can track satellites down to –155 dBm. These sensors are actually fully integrated modules. They include the CW25 GPS receiver, DC/DC converter, active GPS antenna, and RS-232, RS-422, and USB interface options. The CW45A is a GPS navigational module while the CW46 is a GPS timing module. By utilizing the GPS receiver inside, the CW46 module allows that sensor to act as a complete timing module. It is capable of outputting a GPS disciplined frequency up to 10 MHz. In addition, the CW46 module can achieve full PRC MTIE performance in good signal areas. Both modules also can continue to provide synchronization in very weak signal areas including indoors. P&A: CW45A: $148 each (1K), CW46: $176.00 (1K).
NavSync Ltd., Bay 143, Shannon Industrial Estate, Shannon, County Clare, Ireland; 00 353 61 475 666, FAX: 00 353 61 472 226, Internet: