In the past, less-costly microwave spectrum analysis came at the price of some performance. Yet the MS271xB family of microwave spectrum analyzers vows to provide high performance at an affordable price. The three models feature 1-Hz-to-3-MHz resolution bandwidths (RBWs), amplitude accuracy better than ±1.3 dB, and low phase noise of –114 dBc/Hz at 10 kHz offset. In addition, they typically offer 100 dB of dynamic range. Among the analyzers' features are root-mean-square (RMS) detection and channel power ratio measurements, amplitude-modulation (AM)/frequency-modulation (FM) demodulation, and limit testing. The MS271xB family measures 242 X 372 X 339 mm and weighs 5.6 kg. The 9-kHz-to-7.1-GHz MS2717B has a starting price of $12,950 and a delivery of 10 weeks ARO. The 9-kHz-to-13-GHz MS2718B has a starting price of $16,950 and delivery of 12 weeks ARO. The 9-kHz-to-20-GHz MS2719B has a starting price of $19,950 and delivery of 12 weeks ARO.
Anritsu Co., 490 Jarvis Dr., Morgan Hill, CA 95037-2809; (408) 778-2000, FAX: (408) 7761744, Internet: