In the electronics market, it seems that smaller is better—despite rising performance needs. At 17 mm, for instance, the C4700 double-oven crystal oscillator (DOCXO) should offer some space savings. It also promises stability with an available frequency range of 4 to 15 MHz and temperature stabilities down to 0.2 ppb from 0° to +70°C. The RoHS-compliant oscillator was designed to meet the frequency stability requirements of CDMA and UMTS applications. Thanks to a surface-mount, low-profile-packaged (LPP) TO-8 crystal, the C4550 oven-controlled crystal oscillator (OCXO) also is available in a smaller size of 25 X 25 mm. The LPP TO-8 crystal vows to deliver better aging, shock and vibration resistance, and stability over temperature. The C4550 with the LPP has an available frequency range of 5 to 100 MHz and temperature stabilities down to 5 ppb from –40° to 85°C. The TO-8 crystal achieves typical aging rates of 30 ppb/year and g-sensitivities of less than 1 ppb/g.
Vectron International, 267 Lowell Rd., Hudson, NH 03051; (603) 598-0070, FAX: (603) 5980075, Internet: