In the article, "Silicon Capacitors Eye Niche RF Microwave Applications," (November Focus supplement, p. S1), the editors neglected to point out that AVX Corp. debuted silicon-based capacitors about 20 years ago. We thank the folks at AVX for setting the record straight on these capacitors.
Unknown Legends
While I rarely communicate concerning reader feedback, I Unknown Legendsfelt compelled to comment on the "" communication in the Feedback section of the December 2008 issue of Microwaves & RF.
In fact, in addition to Randall and Boot and the Japanese magnetron developments referenced in the communication, Russian and Swiss engineers developed and reported independent magnetron developments. A good general reference on the entire subject is included as part of Brown's book, "A Radar History of World War II," pps. 155-159. Anyone interested in magnetron development will find this book of interest, along with the references to Soviet and Swiss work.
While there was a fair amount of development of magnetrons independent of the Randall and Boot efforts, it appears that current magnetron theory and practice is directly descended from the Randall and Boot efforts, and independent developments by the Russians, Japanese and the Swiss did not substantially contribute to modern magnetrons.
George Ewell,
Georgia Tech
Author Order
It was brought to the attention of the editors that the order of the authors for the December article, "Equalize RF Amplifiers With Bandpass Filters," on the Microwave & RF Update web site were out of order. The correct order for the authors is as follows: Wei Kang, Wei Hong, Jian Yi Zhou and Lei Zhang.
The author order was correct in the print version. We apologize for any confusion this may have caused.
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Jack Browne
Technical Director
Microwaves & RF
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Paramus, NJ 07652