A FAMILY OF GALLIUM-ARSENIDE (GaAs) cable-television (CATV) hybrid amplifiers recently welcomed the addition of two multi-chip modules (MCMs). These modules boast feature bandwidth of 40 to 1000 MHz for high output capacity. The maximum noise figure for both modules is 6.5 dB. With 22.5 dB gain, the MC-7832- HA push-pull amplifier is designed to serve as an input stage for line amplifiers, nodes, splitters, trunk amplifiers, and bridgers in bandwidth- hungry CATV networks. It boasts maximum composite-triple-beat (CTB) and composite-secondorder (CSO) performance levels of -57 dBc and maximum X-modulation of -50 dBc. Its sibling, the MC-7891, delivers 19 dB of gain. Maximum CTB is -63 dBc while maximum CSO is -65 dBc. The amplifier's maximum Xmodulation is -60 dBc. This module is well suited for the delivery of digital programming. Both modules are housed in industry-standard 7-pin packages. P&A: stock. See associated figure
California Eastern Laboratories, 4590 Patrick Henry Dr., Santa Clara, CA 95054-1817; (408) 919-2500, FAX: (408) 988-0279, Internet: www.cel.com.