
Jan. 23, 2008
Article Corrections I WAS PLEASED to learn of the induction of my father to the Microwave Legends. I don't know who nominated him, nor who wrote the biographical sketch. It is mostly right, but one glaring error does exist. In the ...

Article Corrections

I WAS PLEASED to learn of the induction of my father to the Microwave Legends. I don't know who nominated him, nor who wrote the biographical sketch. It is mostly right, but one glaring error does exist. In the sentence, "This hobby' quickly grew into the Bliley Piezo-Electric Co. in Carlisle, PA," the city should be Erie, PAwhere the company still exists. For future information, please look at my history of the company on the web at

Charles A. Bliley

Nancy Friedrich responds: Charles, thank you for setting us straight. Our intention is to accurately cover this industry; we sincerely apologize for the error. We will look at your online history of Blileya key company in this industry.

Missing MM-Wave Parts

IT IS ALWAYS A PLEASURE to read your magazine, espeically when your coverage extends to that often-forgotten part of the industry at millimeterwave frequencies. However, I was dismayed to see very little information from some of the long-time suppliers in the industry, notably on the component side of millimeter-wave technology. Why were so many millimeter- wave components companies omitted from the report?

Alan Darcon
Hudson Technologies

Jack Browne responds: Thank you for writing. I apologize for the omission. The story on mm-waves was mainly about companies providing the full end-to-end millimeter-wave links--companies like Broadwave. The intent of the article was to provide a "high-level" view of what types of system solutions were being developed. It didn't have a lot in there on the component level. Because components are certainly critical to the mm-wave space, however, I will be sure to cover mm-wave filters and more in an upcoming issue. feedback

Microwaves & RF welcomes mail from its readers. Letters should be type written and must include the writer's name and address. The magazine re serves the right to edit letters appearing in "Feedback." Address letters to:

Jack Browne
Technical Director
Microwaves & RF
Penton Media, Inc.
45 Eisenhower Dr., 5th Floor
Paramus, NJ 07652
e-mail: [email protected]

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