A new etchable materials capability is promising to allow circuit designers to integrate more functions and improve performance while reducing package size. Specifically, the advanced PCTF technology enables designers to combine a number of ceramic interconnect techniques on a single ceramic substrate. Using this capability, microcircuit designers can achieve the performance of thin-film products with added features like better power dissipation, ability for a direct printed-circuit-board mount, and a wide resistor range. By using high-resolution conductor lines and spaces with a width of 0.002 in., engineers can achieve greater circuit density and more product features. The line definition and tolerances of ±0.0002 in. assure high-frequency performance to 32 GHz and higher. To improve power dissipation and electrical performance, circuit designers also can take advantage of the company's PowerPlugs—hermetic (to 10–8) thermal vias—with thermal conductivity greater than 200 W/°Cxm, electrical resistance of less than 0.5 mW, and thermal resistance below 2°C/W.
Remtec, Inc., 100 Morse St., Norwood, MA 02062; (781) 762-9191 ext. 26, FAX: (781) 762-9777, Internet: www.remtec.com