Mentoring Is Still Needed

April 12, 2007
I urge every RF/microwave engineer to read your January Editorial ("Keeping That New Year's Resolution," p. 17) and take your advice. In the "good old days" most companies maintained extensive educational programs, but these days managers are ...

I urge every RF/microwave engineer to read your January Editorial ("Keeping That New Year's Resolution," p. 17) and take your advice. In the "good old days" most companies maintained extensive educational programs, but these days managers are reluctant to let engineers be away from work. Mentoring is also disappearing because senior engineers can barely keep up with their own workloads.

Engineers must constantly upgrade their skills—even if it means that they have to do it on their own time. When it comes to laying off people, the ones being outdated are the first to go.
Les Besser
Besser Associates

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