A series of small-footprint, low-current-consumption clock oscillators has emerged for small and portable devices. Dubbed the F100 HCMOS oscillator family, it is available in 1.8-V (F110 series), 2.5-V (F140 series), and 3.3-V (F130 series) options. The series covers 1.0 to 80.0 MHz. Thanks to a standby function, the family promises to reduce current consumption to 10 mA. The F100 oscillators offer stabilities from 50 and 100 ppm from -20 to +70C and an extended range of -40 to +85C. From -10 to +60C, stability of 25 ppm is available. The oscillators occupy a 2.0-x-1.6-mm footprint with a 0.8-mm profile. They target portable and space-constrained devices, such as cellular phones, Bluetooth, and small rack-mount and portable test equipment. Pricing for an F130 series HCMOS oscillator (25- MHz, 50-ppm F135 model) starts at $0.99 in quantities of 10,000 on a standard tape-and-reel assembly. Delivery is eight weeks ARO.
Fox Electronics, 5570 Enterprise Parkway, Fort Myers, FL 33905; (888) GET-2-FOX, FAX: (239) 693-1554, www.foxonline.com.