Designers of RF integrated circuits (RFICs) can improve their design skills and productivity by attending a one-day seminar that travels to their location. Sponsored by Agilent Technologies (Palo Alto, CA), in collaboration with Cadence Design Systems (San Jose, CA) and austriamicrosystems, the 2004 Advanced RFIC Design Seminar demonstrates how an integrated set of software tools-Agilent's RF Design Environment (RFDE)-can help RFIC developers reduce risk, cut costs, and shorten time to market. The seminar presents a specification-driven design flow made possible by integrating best-in-class system, circuit, and electromagnetic (EM) technologies into the Virtuoso custom IC design platform from Cadence.
Sponsored by Microwaves & RF and Wireless Systems Design magazines, The 2004 Advanced RFIC Design Seminar has been created for RFID design engineers and engineering managers as well as for computer-aided-design (CAD) support engineers and managers. The one-day seminar provides techniques for verifying the behavior of RF circuit designs at the system level before proceeding to manufacturing, for improving the design on on-chip passive components, such as spiral inductors, and for performing frequency-domain simulations within Virtuoso.
Topics for the 2004 Advanced RFIC Design Seminar include "Using Frequency-Domain Simulation Technology to Design a 1.7-GHz VCO Implemented in austriamicrosystems 0.35-nullm HBT BiCMOS Process," "Wireless Transceiver Design and Verification," "Accurate Modeling of Spiral Inductors on Silicon using Advanced EM Simulation Within Cadence Virtuoso," and "Leveraging the Speed of the Top-Down Design Methodology Combined with the Silicon Accuracy of Bottom-Up Design Capabilities."
The 2004 Advanced RFIC Design Seminar is free of charge for high-frequency engineers and engineering managers and CAD support engineers and managers. It is scheduled for the following dates and locations:
Monday, April 12th, Santa Clara, CA Tuesday, April 13th, Santa Clara, CA Wednesday, April 14th, Los Angeles, CA Thursday, April 15th, San Diego, CA Friday, April 16th, Phoeniz, AZ Tuesday, April 20th, Minneapolis, MN Wednesday, April 21st, Chicago, IL Thursday, April 22nd, Richardson, TX Friday, April 23rd, Austin, TX Monday, April 26th, Allentown, PA Tuesday, April 27th, Somerset, NJ Wednesday, April 28th, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada Thursday, April 29th, Andover, MA Friday, April 30th, Greensboro, NC
For more information on The 2004 Advanced RFIC, including how to enroll, visit the Agilent site at .
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