The Automation Xpress (AX) signal generator software from Giga-tronics works with the firm's 2400C and 2500B series of fast-switching microwave signal generators to greatly simplify electronic-warfare (EW) signal generation. The signal generators, which cover 100 kHz to 50 GHz, and software can be used to produce a variety of test signals, including radar antenna scan modulation and electronic intelligence (ELINT) signals.
According to Malcolm Levy, Vice President of Sales and Marketing for Giga-tronics, "The 2400C and 2500B microwave signal generators with Automation Xpress software were specifically designed for EW signal simulation applications, where frequency agility and low phase noise and low spurious are critical, but at a cost significantly less than the direct-analog synthesizers typically used in these applications." The Automation Xpress software is included with 2400C and 2500B series model microwave signal generators.