BARCELONA SPAIN: To help reduce cost, save printed-circuit-board (PCB) space, and increase circuit reliability, radio-frequency-identification (RFID) components maker PREMO will provide low-frequency (LF) antennas for austriamicrosystems' (AMS) AS3933 wake-up receiver. This receiver enables battery-powered systems to add remote wakeup capability. With sensitivity of 80 V RMS, it allows both range and bill-of-materials (BOM) cost to be optimized. In addition, the receiver's lowest current consumption of 2.7 A extends battery life. Covering 15 to 150 kHz, the AS3933 provides a digital RSSI value for each active channel.
The company is supplying its low-profile, high-sensitivity, three-dimensional (3D) coil received antenna, the 3DC15 series (3DC15-1000J/3DC15-0720). PREMO also will provide its emitter antenna, the KGEA-BFCR-series (KGEABFCR- B-0500J), which is designed to allow long emitting-reading distances in the smallest volume. Both antennas work at 125 kHz and are in mass production at Premo manufacturing sites in China and Morocco.